Translated title: Climate Change Mitigation – A Question of Finances? Three fields of action for the socially responsible shaping of climate policy in the context of the Energiewende.
The transformation of our energy system, which is necessary to mitigate climate change, depends on a broad acceptance of the population, as it will result in fundamental changes to socio-technical structures. The consideration of social concerns is therefore key to achieve the savings targets for greenhouse gas emissions and for the success of the Energiewende as a joint effort. Against the background of the significant energy cost burden on low-income households, the socially responsible design of the Energiewende requires not only an adjustment of social welfare transfer payments, but also an increase in the energy efficiency of household appliances, the ability to use them efficiently, and the socially responsible energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings.
In order to successfully meet these challenges, this policy paper presents proposals for targeted measures in three fields of action in the areas of social and energy efficiency policy. These can contribute to relieving the burden on low-income households without impairing the political climate targets necessary for the Energiewende.
In particular, the following questions will be answered: How can socially responsible climate policy be achieved through reducing the energy cost burden for low-income households? Which adjustments are necessary in order to design social welfare transfer services in such a way that energy efficiency is ensured while also guaranteeing the socio-cultural minimum subsistence level? How can energy-saving behaviour of users be enabled and supported?