A just transition rests on perspectives and needs from different social groups / interest groups being accounted for. Equality and diversity are foundational values for adelphi that guide our project work as much as our internal processes and structures.
The adelphi management board and its employee representation have been working jointly on the topic of gender equality in a dedicated working group. As a result of early deliberations of this working group and in order to have a sound basis for deriving recommendations for action, adelphi commissioned an indepth and independent assessment of the status quo at the organisation to a specialized external consultancy. It was then also decided not to focus exclusively on gender equality and to assess different dimensions of diversity instead due to the interdependence of social categories.
The plan up to 2025
The present document summarises the results of the diversity assessment in 2021/2022 and outlines action points that adelphi strives to implement until September 2025. Progress on key indicators and related action points will be monitored and assessed on an annual basis. On the basis of this monitoring the Gender Equality Plan will be re-assessed and updated for the next period in 2025.