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adelphi research gemeinnützige GmbH
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10559 Berlin
T +49 (30) 8900068-0
F +49 (30) 8900068-10
Managing directors: Mikael P. Henzler, Dr. Sebastian Muschter, Gerard Solbrig
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adelphi research is recognised as a non-profit by the tax authorities I of Berlin, most recently according to a February 17, 2020 authorisation. adelphi research supports the following non-profit purposes: promotion of science and research as well as students' support (§ 52 section 2 sentence 1 No. 1 AO), promotion of public and occupational education (§ 52 section 2 sentence 1 No. 7 AO), the promotion of environmental protection (§ 52 section 2 sentence 1 No. 8 AO) and international development (§ 52 section 2 sentence 1 No. 15 AO).
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Lena Ruthner
adelphi research gemeinnützige GmbH
Alt-Moabit 91
10559 Berlin
T +49 (30) 8900068-0
F +49 (30) 8900068-10
officeadelphi-research [dot] de (office[at]adelphi-research[dot]de)
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Daniel Högele
webmasteradelphi-research [dot] de (webmaster[at]adelphi-research[dot]de)
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