Many cities, municipalities and districts are facing major challenges in financing climate protection measures. While the pressure to act is growing to implement effective measures to achieve local climate protection concepts, the budgetary situation remains tight in many municipalities. At the same time, however, there is new potential opening up: more and more active citizens, organisations and committed companies are showing that they want to play an active role in climate protection.
This is exactly where a "local climate fund" comes in: it pools private and public funds to finance efficient local climate projects and creates an opportunity to participate in climate protection. For municipalities that want to set up or further develop a climate fund, the basic concept for setting up a local climate fund offers a practice-oriented introduction to the function and structure and sheds light on various options for individual adaptation. It provides answers to questions about the organisation, financing, project funding and monitoring of local climate funds. Additional materials and tools help with the concrete implementation, including:
key questions for a grant application
a matrix of criteria for the evaluation and weighting of funding applications
guiding questions for monitoring the funding projects
a catalogue of project types that presents effective climate protection projects that are suitable for funding by a local climate fund.
The catalogue of project types and the tools are "living documents" that are constantly adapted in the course of the project. We will be happy to make them available to you keusenadelphi [dot] de (if requested).