Translated title:Annual of energy research in 2015. Overview of research reports.
Support for research on renewable energies and energy efficiency is a critical stepping stone on the road to a successful and sustainable energy transition. In 2015 alone, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) supported over 2,700 research projects on these topics. The "Research Yearbook Energy 2015" offers a comprehensive overview of all projects supported. The fields of research range from wind energy and photovoltaics to solar and geothermal and marine energy, from the system integration of renewable energies to energy storage and power grids, and from energy optimised buildings to energy efficiency in industry and trade. Beyond that, all projects on renewable energies supported since 2007 and the projects on energy efficiency supported in 2015 are accessible in the online data base - quickly and easily thanks to the user-friendly search function.