The German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) commissioned the Innovative Approaches for Private Sector Development (PSD) sector project to support the improved implementation of innovative approaches, with special focus on the contribution private sector development can make to green growth. Greening value chains is one of these issues and thus an important channel to integrate green growth issues into private sector development efforts. This means reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing water usage, improving solid waste management, implementing sustainable management of other natural resources used in the production or provision of services, improving recycling, reducing air pollution and many other actions in order to reduce the ecological footprint of these value chains.
adelphi provided support to the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in analysing the tourism sector value chain in the Philippines. Ultimately, this project was planned to help the Private Sector Promotion Program to design a strategy for greening the tourism value chain, mitigating negative effects while at the same time strengthening the competitiveness of the tourism industry in the Philippines.