Up until now the extensive range of further training courses for the hotel and catering industry has not included energy and environmental management. Yet energy costs account for five to ten percent of turnover. The seminar programme, organised by adelphi in cooperation with the DSFT, will fill this gap. Up until the end of 2014, a variety of training courses will be run across Germany focussing on key topics for hotel and restaurant managers. These courses will provide concrete recommendations on how to make immediate energy savings, strategies for changing energy providers, a practical tool to analyse energy and water consumption and an overview of the most important grants and funding programmes. Participants will also learn how to make effective use of their environmental measures for marketing purposes and will be advised on the predicted classification of their business in the DEHOGA environmental audit. Following the seminar, adelphi’s experts will be available by phone for a six-month period to answer any questions free of charge.
Completed project
Date range
Project region
- Germany
- Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)
Fields of Action